Commercial Exterior Painters Know What Type of Paint to Use

Choosing the right exterior paint is crucial when it comes to maintaining and enhancing the aesthetic appeal of commercial properties. The external appearance of your business can influence first impressions and, ultimately, the perception of your brand. If you need professional painting in the Bay Area, Custom Painting, Inc. can offer the expertise to select the ideal type of paint that looks good and withstands the rigors of weather and time.

In this article, we will explore the various types of paints suitable for commercial exteriors, delve into different finishes, and discuss why relying on professionals is beneficial to avoid costly mistakes.

Types of Commercial Exterior Paints

Acrylic Paints

Acrylic paints are highly favored for commercial exteriors due to their exceptional durability and excellent color retention capabilities. They are versatile enough to be applied on a variety of surfaces, including wood, stucco, and concrete. The flexibility of acrylic paint helps it resist flaking or cracking in varied weather conditions, making it a superior choice for buildings exposed to frequent temperature changes.

Furthermore, acrylics are resistant to UV rays, helping maintain the vibrancy of the color for longer periods compared to other paint types. Their water-based formulation also makes them environmentally friendly and easier to handle, ensuring quicker clean-up and less odor during application.

Latex Paints

Latex paints are popular in commercial applications for several reasons. They are water-based, which allows them to dry faster than oil-based options, making them ideal for projects with tight timelines. The elasticity of latex paint makes it less prone to cracking, ensuring a lasting finish on exterior surfaces. It’s also highly effective in resisting mildew and moisture, providing a clean and durable coat ideal for regions with high humidity.

In terms of maintenance, latex paint surfaces are easy to clean, requiring only soap and water, which is a significant advantage for commercial buildings that necessitate regular upkeep.

Oil-Based Paints

Oil-based paints are valued in commercial painting for their robust finish and superior sealing properties. They are particularly effective on surfaces more prone to wear and tear, such as metal and wood, providing a moisture-resistant layer that guards against rust and decay. The paint’s thick consistency allows for smoother application with fewer streaks, offering a high-quality finish that highlights the architectural details of a building.

Although the drying time is longer, the result is a remarkably durable surface that effectively withstands the elements, making oil-based paints a reliable choice for commercial exterior applications.

Types of Commercial Paint Finishes

Choosing the right paint finish is as crucial as selecting the type of paint itself, as the finish affects both the appearance and durability of the exterior. Here’s a breakdown of the common finishes used in commercial painting:

  • Matte Finish: Matte finishes provide a low-sheen, non-reflective surface that excellently hides surface imperfections. They absorb light, reducing the visual impact of large areas, but are less resistant to staining and moisture.
  • Eggshell Finish: Offering a slight sheen, eggshell finishes are more durable than matte. They are easier to clean and resist wear, making them suitable for moderately trafficked areas. Their low luster helps hide imperfections while providing more durability against the elements.
  • Satin Finish: Satin finishes offer a slight gloss, enhancing durability and resistance to mildew, ideal for areas that require frequent washing. They are versatile for various surfaces, providing a durable coat that withstands general wear.
  • Semi-Gloss Finish: Semi-gloss finishes offer more sheen than satin, making them highly effective in areas that benefit from a bit of shine but where a high-gloss finish might be too much. They provide excellent durability and are easier to clean, which is ideal for spaces that see regular cleaning and usage.
  • High-Gloss Finish: High-gloss finishes are the most durable and reflective, excellent for highlighting architectural details and for easy maintenance. They are particularly suitable for areas exposed to harsh conditions and need frequent cleaning. However, their high reflectivity can show surface imperfections more readily and require careful application.

The Importance of Choosing the Right Paint

The Importance of Choosing the Right Paint

Selecting the appropriate type of paint and finish for a commercial building ensures its longevity and ease of maintenance. The right paint choice can significantly affect the building’s resistance to environmental conditions such as sun exposure, humidity, rain, and temperature fluctuations.

Ensuring Longevity and Maintenance

The right choice of paint and finish is crucial for the longevity and maintenance of a commercial building. Paint that’s specifically suited to a building’s environmental exposure—like UV resistance for sunny locales or mildew resistance in humid areas—can significantly reduce wear and tear. This tailored approach ensures that the exterior remains durable against the elements, reducing the frequency and costs of repainting and repairs.

Material Considerations

Different building materials require specific types of paint to ensure optimal adherence and durability. For example, wood surfaces may need paints that allow for moisture to escape to prevent decay, while metal surfaces benefit from rust-resistant paints and primers. Choosing the correct paint for a specific material not only enhances the building’s aesthetic but also contributes to its overall structural integrity.

Adapting to Environmental Conditions

Environmental factors play a significant role in selecting the right paint. Paints formulated to handle local weather conditions—be it extreme cold, heat, or moisture—can provide an additional layer of protection, preserving the building’s exterior and minimizing environmental damage.

Benefits of Hiring a Professional Painter

Expertise and Quality Assurance

Hiring a professional painting company like Custom Painting, Inc. ensures that your commercial property benefits from expert knowledge and experience. Professional painters are trained to select the best type of paint and finishes that suit the specific requirements of your building. Their understanding of the nuances in paint technology and application methods leads to a high-quality finish that lasts longer and looks better.

Cost Efficiency and Time Management

Professionals can execute the painting job more efficiently, saving valuable time and minimizing disruptions to your business operations. They come equipped with the necessary tools and techniques to complete the job swiftly. Moreover, their experience enables them to avoid common mistakes that could end up being costly to fix, thereby reducing overall expenses in the long run.

Access to Better Materials and Techniques

Professional painters have access to high-grade paints and materials that might not be readily available on the consumer market. These materials often offer superior coverage, durability, and aesthetic appeal. Additionally, professional painters are adept at employing advanced techniques that ensure even coverage and optimal finish.

This level of professionalism not only enhances the appearance of your property but also contributes to its upkeep and longevity, ensuring that the investment in a professional paint job pays dividends in terms of both appearance and durability.


Selecting the right paint and hiring a professional painter like Custom Painting, Inc. are key decisions that greatly impact the appearance, durability, and maintenance of a commercial building. The expertise provided by professionals ensures that the right products and techniques are used, saving time and avoiding costly mistakes. If you’re considering a new paint job for your commercial property, trust in the seasoned hands of Custom Painting, Inc. to deliver a finish that looks exceptional and endures the test of time.

Ready to transform your property? Contact Custom Painting, Inc. today by calling (510)-795-0903 or by filling out the contact form. We will ensure your commercial exterior is as robust and appealing as possible!