Best Commercial Painters Lathrop – Solutions for Painting Tall Walls

Painting tall walls is indeed a tall order, both figuratively and literally. The higher the walls, the more challenging to achieve an even and consistent coating, not to mention the added risk of falling. The best commercial painters in Lathrop, CA should have the experience, follow the appropriate measures, and use the right equipment to paint high walls safely and successfully.

Many commercial properties are tall structures that painters are required to use specific equipment to be able to paint the higher walls.

Obviously, painting high walls is something other than a job that you would want to rush and risk an accident. It’s all about safety and having the right tools.

Cutting in the ceiling

It’s a given that painting high walls is challenging, not to mention risky. Cutting in the ceiling is painting the three corners where two walls and a ceiling meet. It’s one of the first things you should do when painting high walls, and this task can be pretty tricky.

A paintbrush is the most appropriate tool for this task. It ensures that the paint color is completely saturated and that you don’t miss that part of the wall. Applying painter’s tape to the ceiling before painting the walls will give it a crisp and even edge.

Steps to paint high walls

Step 1: Use a ceiling or scaffolding

Using the ladder or scaffolding should be the easiest and safest way to enable you to reach the high walls.

  • Using a ladder: Ideally, you should use a tall ladder to reach the ceiling. A 16- to 20-foot ladder will work. You need to stabilize the ladder and then go up high enough to see if you can safely reach the areas you need to before you start painting. You should not exceed a ladder’s maximum load limit – one person should be on a ladder at a time. You can also use an extension pole if you need one.
  • Using scaffolding: Scaffolding should be helpful if you work at heights for long periods. It provides a stable and steady platform to work from and a solid surface to place your paints and tools. However, scaffolding can be cumbersome to set up and move around. It would be more practical to rent scaffolding rather than purchase one.

Step 2: Prepare the site

Protect your work site by protecting the floor, furniture, and other surfaces from stray paint drips and splatters. Move the furniture out of the room, or cover them with drop cloths or tarps.

Cover the floor with drop cloths. Since you will use a ladder or scaffolding over the covered floors, fasten the drop cloths down using painter’s tape to prevent the ladder or scaffolding from slipping.

Take down wall decor, drapes, ceiling fans (if any), and lighting fixtures. Tape any surface (like door and window trim) to protect them from paint and dust.

Step 3: Clean the walls

Once everything is off the walls, wash them using clean and damp cloths, warm water, and mild detergent. Allow the walls to dry for at least an hour before proceeding to paint.

Step 4: Prime and paint the walls

After safely climbing the ladder or scaffolding, start at the corner where the walls and ceilings meet. Mask the area with painter’s tape where the ceiling meets the walls. It’s also helpful to “cut in” the edge of the ceiling with a small, angled paint brush before priming the entire walls. Use an extension pole and roller to help you extend your reach as you apply the primer, if necessary.

Allow the primer to dry. Once the primer has dried, paint the walls in the color of your choice. Start at the top of the wall by making paint strokes in a “W” shape. Then, fill that “W” shape with more paint. The painted section should be about 2’ x 4’ in size. Once you fill that section, paint another “W” below the block and fill it in with more paint. Continue the same process down to the wall, climbing down the ladder or scaffolding to paint the bottom section of the wall as you stand on the floor.

Once you’re done, clean up the area and return the furniture and decor.


  • A primer is necessary only if your walls are stained, or you want to apply a light-colored paint over a dark one.
  • Make sure that you have enough primer and paint to sufficiently cover these corners and the highest section of the wall. It’s inconvenient to come down and climb up again to get another paint and primer.
  • The same paint color can vary slightly from one container to another, so try not to use two cans of the same paint color on one wall. Instead, pour these paints into a five-gallon can or bucket to achieve color consistency. This method is called “boxing.”
  • Apply a second coat if necessary, using the same technique as you applied the first coat of paint. Make sure the first coat is completely dry before applying the second coat.

When painting high walls, having the right equipment and tools to paint safely and get the best possible finish is essential. You may need to use ladders, scaffolding, and extension poles for the job. The best commercial painters in Lathrop always put safety first, especially when working at heights.